- Students will identify common misconceptions that the public has about biotechnology
- Students will write survey questions that will gather data on the public's level of knowledge about biotechnology and food safety
- Students will collect data on public knowledge and opinion of genetically engineered foods
- Students will analyze data results
- Students will formulate a hypothesis and include supporting data in a report including graphs and charts
1. Students will investigate and discuss as a class basic facts about biotechnology and food safety. Excellent resources on the Web include http://croptechnology.unl.edu and http://agbiosafety.unl.edu
2. Small groups of 3-4 students will develop a survey that documents the knowledge and opinions of people in their school or community. Survey questions will be based on the concepts of the process of biotechnology and public opinions of food safety issues (Survey questions outlined below).
3. Student will analyze data and summarize the results in a written report that includes graphs and charts followed by a written conclusion of the results of the survey.
4. Each group will then present the results to the class and a classroom discussion will follow.
Survey Question Ideas
1. The first section of the survey should include a section of questions to obtain demographic information (i.e. grade/age, occupation).
2. The remaining questions should gather opinions and information about:
- Their basic knowledge of biotechnology?
- What they believe about basic biotechnology facts
- Where do people get most of their information about
- How do people feel about biotechnology and eating transgenic food?
- Are they more accepting of transgenic food if the new trait directly benefits the them as opposed to the producer? (i.e. Increased nutrition as opposed to insect resistance)
- What the opinions are on labeling genetically engineered food? Should they be labeled? Why or why not?